Hugh Jass to the Rescue!

This morning I combined this guy

with these

to make this!

Butternut squash pudding, a la my recipe here for its cousin of the pumpkin variety. Pardon my muscle chart background.

I’ve been feeling the effects of heavy eating these last couple days (too many cookies and the like!),  and in turn I was craving crunchiness and veggies. Hugh Jass salad to the rescue!

A buttload of spinach, water chestnuts (for crunch!), a Dr. Praeger’s veggie burger, blobs of hummus, nutritional yeast, some navy beans, a sprinkle of dulse flakes, and a drizzle of vinaigrette, and an unpictured fuji apple.  Hit the spot!  And again with the muscle chart… I’m in a hurry today so I’m photographing quickly upstairs in my office!  🙂

Tonight is my last night of class before Christmas break!  I still have to work and study, but I am looking forward to a couple weeks of “downtime.”

Are you finished with your Christmas shopping?  I still need to grab Alex a little something else, even though we already did part of our exchange, teehee!

❤ C

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8 Responses to Hugh Jass to the Rescue!

  1. Hugh Jass? lol

    I finished my Christmas shopping… with just a few little things left to pick up for the hubs. no pressure though! phew ❤

  2. That is my kind of salad! Perfect! The pudding looks so good too! I will definitely give that one a try soon. Good luck with classes!

  3. I really like that butternut squash! When I couldn’t find canned pumpkin, I used the squash in my yogurt instead and it was good 🙂

  4. Meri says:

    mmmm that salad looks good. i agree- whenever I’ve had too much sugary stuff I get all shaky and crazy until I get fresh veggies and bread!
    good luck with your shopping 🙂

  5. Peggy says:

    I’m so glad I’m done shopping! Just have to get a couple gift cards for those hard-to-shop for folks (I know, lazy), but I’m pretty much complete! And Hugh Jass?! Could not stop giggling after that one. =)

  6. I am so having that pudding for breakfast in the morning! Sounds like the perfect way to finish up the can of pumpkin I opened this weekend.

    I have been having the same kind of veg cravings lately. And today at work, there was a HUGE plate of cookies in the break-room that I just walked away from! Didn’t even nibble one! I’m a little cookied out since last week! 😦

  7. Pingback: Barney Butternut Bean Bliss | Purple Bird Blog

  8. Pingback: Lovin’ on Some Sunshine | kissmybroccoli

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