My Accent Vlog

Hey guys, back with another post today.  First and foremost, I want to thank you all for your kind comments on my new header!  I have the loveliest Jenn from Peas & Crayons to thank for designing this brilliant button (from when I won her button giveaway, and which I still haven’t embedded in the side of my blog, but I will!).

Yesterday with the snow day I got inspired to use it to make a new header, did a TON of Google searching, and with a lot of trial and error finally put together the new header in Photoshop all by myself (which is indeed quite an accomplishment!).  Eventually I am actually going to hire Jenn to do some serious blog design overhaul for me (and you should too if your blog needs a spruce up, because she’s talented and amazing and the bestest!), but in the meantime I am content with my new header!  I still can’t believe I pulled it off.  🙂

Check out this sad pup.

My little Rambo-man exacerbated a prior back injury when he slipped on some ice on the back porch steps last night.  I was up with him all night trying to get him as comfortable as possible and able to rest, and it took a pretty hefty dose of doggy Tramadol to finally get him to relax.  He’s still very uncomfortable and riddled with muscle spasms, and I took the day off from school to be with him and keep him still.  Please send some healing vibes this way for the little guy!

I’ve been seeing the Accent Vlog pop up around the ‘sphere recently (Lee, Jessica, and Allie to name a few), and I decided to do my own!

Here’s the list of words and questions so you can follow along.

Aunt, Route, Wash, Oil, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, Sure, Data, Ruin, Crayon, Toilet, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Spitting image, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Syrup, Pajamas, Caught

What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
What is the bug that when you touch it, it curls into a ball?
What is the bubbly carbonated drink called?
What do you call gym shoes?
What do you say to address a group of people?
What do you call the kind of spider that has an oval-shaped
body and extremely long legs?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry
groceries at the supermarket?
What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?
What is the thing you change the TV channel with?

I think all of you guys should do this… I am having a blast putting voices to faces! 🙂

I am going to go cuddle with my injured pup some more.  Be back tomorrow with some groceries and a pizza date recap!

❤ C

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32 Responses to My Accent Vlog

  1. Stephanie says:

    Oh…Jenn did such a great job!!! I LOVE it!!!!!!!!! I’m off to listen to your vlog now. 🙂

  2. I love your new header too ( I meant to mention it last time) I do my own too at Picnik!

    Love the Vlog! You sounded just as I figured you would… Rolly Polly though, never heard of it!:) I didn’t hear much of a Texan accent either… you’d fit in great up here with us Canadian folks eh? haha 🙂

    • Hehehehehehe I definitely would fit right in I think! How could I not have a blast with lovely ladies like you and Kris up there!? I’ve always wanted to go and definitely hope to make it someday!

  3. Lisa says:

    Love the button!
    The vlogs are fun too—love getting to know a person behind a blog 🙂

  4. meri says:

    I love your header- is that the dessert hummus or cookie dough? (TomAto, To-mah-to I guess) 🙂
    Love the accent vlog too! Up here everyone seems to say “pop,” and I’m the only one who says, “soda.”

  5. She did a fantasticjob on the header! I remember when I first did took ALL day because I had no idea what I was doing in Photoshop..but eventually I got the hang of it and am able to make them fairly quickly. Love the accent vlog, too!! Those are so fun!

  6. So sorry to hear about Rambo’s mishap! I’m sending healing vibes his way! Keep us updated on how he’s doing, poor thing!!!

    • Thanks, girl! He’s finally able to rest seemingly pretty comfortably, and he actually was able to eat dinner, so that is reassuring! Last time this happened I had to keep him drugged for a couple weeks and keep him on pretty strict activity restriction, so we’re gonna roll with that again and hope for the best! xo

  7. the new header looks great! all the blog stuff takes sooo much TIME and energy, doesnt it 🙂 as we have discussed!

    and your accent vlog…too cute!

    • Thanks, Averie! Yeah, you aren’t kidding… that header took me a good chunk of the afternoon to get just right, but I think it looks waaaaay better than the shit I had slapped up there before! That was actually a picture of the front of a binder I have, just cropped to fit, lol. I am actually making the move to self-hosting next week… I have a friend who is going to do it all for me for the cost of a glowing review and 5 referrals! I just have to pay for the year of hosting. I’m STOKED!

  8. inmytummy says:

    Cute. I don’t think you have an accent, really. I do that same thing where I pick up people’s accents. I had some British friends staying with me over the holidays and I totally heard myself talking with a little bit of a British accent. Haha.

    If you ever have questions about photoshop stuff, feel free to email me. I’m a graphic designer.

    • I am completely clueless about anything graphic related… I seriously can hardly believe I pulled that header out of my ass, lol! 😉 I will definitely keep you in mind if I have any questions, thank you so much! xo

  9. StuckOutsideTheBox says:

    I love the vlog! Your accent isn’t much different than mine except I say “coo-pon” instead of “cue-pon.”
    I love the header too, and the button. 🙂

  10. I don’t think you sound Southern at all! I think it’s so weird that people say ‘Coke’ instead of soda. I didn’t know that until I heard it on someone else’s accent blog. What do you say if you want a Sprite?!

  11. ahhh thank you thank you thank you!

    You’re so stinkin cute! loving the video blog! I want to make one tooo! I’m super chicken shit though. boo.

    I say pecan different. and a few other things. but most is the samsies! ❤

    POOR PUPPER FEEEEEL BETTER!!!!!!!!!!! ahhh poor little guy! sending hugs and kisses to rambo! ❤

    • Awwww, come onnnnnnnnnnnnn! You make a video too! I wanna hear your voice lady! 😀

      Rambo is doing a little better… drugged up and resting, and he actually ate dinner and pooped, so everything is working in that regard! Made me nervous when he wouldn’t eat this morning, but I guess the pain was too bad. He was giving me kisses a minute ago while I laid on his bed with him… a couple weeks of activity restriction and drugs are what helped him last time this happened, so that’s what we’re gonna stick to this time too. I’ma go hug him and kiss him for you! xo

      And um… I need to see some ferret pics soon mmkay?!

  12. movesnmunchies says:

    ahaha i love your accent!! AHH YES someone who says caramel like i do!!! everyone else says KAR-MEL

  13. Your button is cool, perfect for you.
    Oh it breaks my heart to know your pups is hurt. Looks so sad in that picture! Give’em some extra TLC. I miss my pups, they are at their grandparents today, ha!

  14. Kristina says:

    Love the button, love the header-love purple bird blog!!! The Vlog is great-i’ve been seeing them all over-the rolly polly???-not sure how everyone knew what that thing was, I call it potato bug-or is that something dif?

  15. Erika says:

    Love the new header/button! Jenn did a great job! 🙂

  16. yes, love accent blogs. We’re pretty much the same. And i LOVE the new header.

  17. you have a VERY nice-smooth-easy listening voice! I always feel weird about my voice :/
    your accent sounds pretty neutral-but we do say most of those things similarly.
    i’m going to do this soon, but add a couple other words like pancake and tupperware. i’ve been told i say both oddly.

    • Hahahah I thought they should have had sandwich on the list too… my dad says sangdwich! lol And a friend of mine says “melk” for milk and “aeggs” for eggs… cracks me up!

  18. Aww, yay! I’m so excited that you did the accent vlog! I wondered if you had a southern accent, but it doesn’t really sound like you have any kind of accent at all! Wish I could say the same for myself! 😉

  19. Love the vlog! It’s been so fun watching/listening to my fave bloggers. I tend to pick up accents from the people around me too 🙂

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