Jam-Filled Deliciousness

So back in the day I used to love a particular fruit-filled cereal bar that rhymes with… um… boot-ra-plain.  Yeah, I’m grasping there, but sound it out.  🙂  They have HFCS in them, and since that’s something I try to stay away from these days, I made Polly’s recipe (reprinted with her permission, and my substitutions noted).

Polly’s Homemade Cereal Bars

  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup butter Smart Balance Light (ran out of Earth Balance again!)
  • 1 1/2 cups quick oats old-fashioned oats
  • 1 1/2 cups flour whole wheat flour
  • 1 tsp cinnamon (I gave it a little extra)
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 3/4 cup raspberry jam cherry/blood orange/raspberry jam

(For what it’s worth, I know I always show the Target brand oats in the pictures, but it is merely a container for the giant box of Quaker Oats I got at Costco that I use to refill it.  I prefer the Quaker Oats in flavor and texture.)

I completely neglected to photograph the assembly process, but here are Polly’s directions verbatim.

“Mix sugar, oats, flour, cinnamon, and soda.  Using your hands (or a pastry blender) cut in the butter to form a crumbly mixture.  Spread a little over ½ the crumb mixture into 9×13 buttered pan, and spread with jam.  (be sure to leave a one inch edge un-jammed, or it will ooze out the sides!)  Finally, add the remaining crumb mixture on top and press lightly into jam. Bake at 350* for about 45 minutes.   Cut into bars.”

Ready for oven lovin’.

I recommend letting them cool completely before you cut them into bars, but my greedy little paws had to taste this right away, so I took a hot, crumbly corner piece.  These are INSANELY good, so much tastier that their store bought counterparts!!  I can’t wait to make these again with blueberry filling, or peach!

I bought some new cereals the other day. I made this amazing bowl of awesome this morning.

A combination of Barbara’s Multigrain Puffins and Peanut Butter Puffins, the last of my Barbara’s Original Shredded Oats, and some Arrowhead Mills Puffed Kamut, served with plain coconut milk yogurt on the bottom, a bit of unsweetened almond milk, and a plop of peanut butter on top.  Less sugar than my normal bowl of cereal and just as delicious.  I really like the puffed kamut bits!  Amazing crunch and delicate coconut flavor from the yogurt… a perfect bowl.

Today is an exciting Tuesday!  My yoga studio’s grand opening is tonight, and after that Alex and I are going on a date for our 3 year anniversary!

What’s your favorite cereal?

❤ C

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32 Responses to Jam-Filled Deliciousness

  1. Kayla says:

    I used to be OBSESSED with Cheerios, but I barely eat them anymore! I always just have oatmeal instead of cereal now!

  2. movesnmunchies says:

    yummy bars!!! i love jam– it is the jam. HAH. ok that was a lame joke 😉

  3. In high school, I think I lived for an entire school year eating “boot-ra-plain” bars for lunch.

    The ones you made? Look SO much better 🙂

  4. Hi! My name is boring and I love cheerios! =)

    haha! those bars are fantastic! for sure bookmarking this!

  5. Heather says:

    Oh wow! Those look fantastic girlie! I’m drooling over the cherry/blood orange/raspberry jam! I had to seriously sound out boot-ra-plain 3 times before it clicked! Haha!

    I’m with ya on the oats. Quaker’s the way to go. Store brands always seem to have a weird texture to them!

    Fave cereal? That’s easy peasy: Quaker Oat Squares (brown sugar flavor)! I could LIVE off these!

  6. I want that cereal!!!! Geez, that is the ultimate bowl ‘O Cereal! I love everything going on in it… yum!

    And those bars look awesome. Seriously. Can I have one?

  7. spabettie says:

    I LOVE multigrain puffins 🙂

    I make a bar kinda like these, only gluten free… SO good, right??

  8. Peggy says:

    Ok, those bars look hella-good and would definitely kick that grocery store version’s butt!

  9. lindsay says:

    PUFFFFFINNNNNSSSS!!! I have a love affair with that cereal! And I just might with those bars.
    Happy Anniversary dear friend.

  10. allieksmith says:

    Mmmmmm yummy fruit filled goodness<3333 !! I have never had puffins haha… I better try em !

  11. Evan Thomas says:

    I remember eating “boot-ra-plain” bars as part of breakfast almost every day. These look delicious and sound so much healthier. Yum!

  12. Lisa says:

    Mmmmm, those bars look delicious. I am definitely going to make them! Have a great date night!

  13. Congrats! Have a great time at yoga & an even better date night!!!!

  14. I LOVE those jam bars!! My mom and I make them every year at least once.

    My favorite cereal..hmmm, there are a few. PB Puffins, Mom’s Best Mallow-Oats, Kix (yeah, love the puffs!), Kashi Honey Sunshine, and Cascadian Farms Cinnamon Crack..I mean Crunch. 😉

  15. inmytummy says:

    Those look much better than the original kind. My favorite cereal is probably Life. Or Frosted Mini Wheats. Or really any cereal that doesn’t have raisins in it.

  16. Priyanka says:

    Love those jam bars..deliciousness!

    Favorite cereal~ PB puffins, although I don’t get any cereals these days!

  17. Meri says:

    I’m boring- I love cheerios, dry.
    Have fun on your date!

  18. Looks yummy…and come check out my blog…you got an award 🙂

  19. rsmacaalay says:

    LOL, Peanut butter again 🙂

  20. Those bars look so packed with flavor!!!! I love how your pup is sitting there patiently, mine would be jumping to try and get a bite!

  21. That looks delicious! I love a good bar 🙂

  22. Erika says:

    I have to admit, it took me about 3 minutes to realize that boot-ra-plain rhymed with Nutrigrain! LOL

  23. Rachel says:

    I really like the Arrowhead Mills puffed millet cereal. It’s got a great nutty flavor.

    I think I’m going to adjust the cereal bar recipe to make them gluten free; I’ll let you know how it turns out!

  24. Brandy says:

    Oh my goodness….could we live a more similar day through food? Homemade granola bars and my cereal was PB puffins and maple quaker oat squares. First time ever mixing my cereals, and hardly ever eat cereal. Too funny.

    Those bars look amazing. Wish I had better jam in the house!

  25. Oh my, those look amazing! I recently made homemade granola bars, but you just can’t beat a jam filling. Will definitely try these for next week!

  26. Those bars look like warm pie, yum! I might try to make those.


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