Party in My Tummy: Vegan Mexican Lasagna

Yesterday there was a party in my tummy.

And more than just this delicious little clementine!

I had a cheeseless quesadilla for lunch.

Without the cheese it was a little slidier (technical term right there folks), but still extremely delicious.  Just hummus, smashed avocado, and spinach between two Flat-Outs, browning both sides in a pan with a little olive oil spray.

And dinner last night… ohhhhhh man!   I made a vegan Mexican lasagna that was to die for.

I cubed some tempeh and ran it through my food processor until it was ground beefy in texture.

I sauteed it in a little olive oil until brown, added a rinsed can of black beans, and spiced it all up with cayenne, garlic, red pepper flakes, cumin, smoked paprika, and a touch of salt.  I was a little heavy handed with the red pepper flakes, so to balance out the spicy I made a very mild sauce consisting of two cans tomato paste, 3/4 cup veggie broth, 2 1/4 cups water, and a little cumin and smoked paprika, thickened with a little cornstarch.

I used the same whole wheat noodles as last time.

In a casserole dish I layered sauce, noodles, the tempeh/bean mixture, Daiya cheddar cheese, more sauce, more noodles, spinach, Daiya cheddar, more sauce, more noodles, more sauce, and topped it with the rest of the Daiya.

Oven lovin’ (covered with foil) at 375° for 30 minutes.

It was seriously phenomenal.  Even the boyfriend and the bestieroomie liked it!  I really wish I would have had some black olives and green onions to add, which I will definitely incorporate the next time I make this… and there will definitely be a next time!

I had class all day today and then ran around town looking for kale and finally found some nice bunches at Whole Foods.  I foresee more kale chips in the very near future. How was your Saturday?

❤ C

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30 Responses to Party in My Tummy: Vegan Mexican Lasagna

  1. OMG the tempeh looks like meat! crazy! What a great idea! way better than processed fakey meats! You’re so smart =)

  2. inmytummy says:

    I don’t normally like tempeh, even though I want to, but I wonder if I’d like it ground up like that. It looks really good.

  3. Oh wow. EVERYTHING in this post looks phenomenal! I’m so jealous… I want a party in my tummy too!

    Lovely blog! 🙂

  4. spabettie says:

    ha… I LOVE the party in my tummy! 😀

    that lasagna looks SO good… I FINALLY found gluten free lasagna noodles and I’m making lasagna soon! wee!

    hope you’re having a fabulous weekend!!

    • Where did you find gluten-free noodles? I’ve actually been having a lot of gastrointestinal distress this past week and I may do another elimination diet. I have eaten wheat without a problem in the past, but sometimes I just like to clear my body of it all!

      • spabettie says:

        in my local natural food store, similar to a Whole Foods… they are the DeBoles brand, a rice pasta… I think I saw the Tinkyada brand do a lasagna noodle too… good luck + feel better!

      • I saw that brand today at my local WF-ish store, but not the lasagna noodles… I’ll keep looking!! 🙂 And thank you!

  5. Zelinda says:

    You have a talent for food photography. The oozy messy stuff looks yum. Everything looks yum.

  6. Holy YUM chicka! That lasagna looks fantastical! Love the ground tempeh! Genius!

    And your quesadilla…wait no cheese…dilla? looks great! Mmm, avocado!

  7. rsmacaalay says:

    That indeed it is a party in the tummy, I love those quesadillas and lasagna, even without meat I guess I would love those. They are mouth watering lip smacking delicious!

  8. movesnmunchies says:

    ahhhh your lasagna is to die for!

  9. Brandy says:

    Great imagination! See if I were to do that lasagna dish, I’d have been nice and “traditional” (aka boring) about it and used corn tortillas as the noodle. I need to think cross-cuisine more often.


  10. The slide-y quesadilla and the lasagna look and sound awesome!
    My Saturday was fab…but no good eats like that 🙂

  11. The wrap look soooooo freakin good! And there’s only three ingredients in there?!I have those three this is a must try for me today for lunch… I’ve been craving something with creamy avocado!

  12. I love that sticker on the clementine! So hilarious.

    I still haven’t tried tempeh but I bet I’d really like it in a lasagna. yum!

  13. Stephanie says:

    The quesadilla looks amazing! And so does the lasagna. I never would have thought to crumble tempah in the food processor!

  14. I absolutely love Cuties they are so delish! What a divine recipe. I am loving your blog and am your newest follower!


  15. lindsay says:

    oh mexican goodness! I love that it looks so comforting but is actually healthy. Best part!

    go for the kale chips!

  16. rachel says:

    ah wow! that looks nummy!! I have to cook a vegetarian meal next weekend – something i’ve NEVER done. i’m a massive carnivore. this has given me some ideas!!

  17. Meesh says:

    Your meals look fabulous! I’ve never tried tempeh and actually have no idea where to buy it, where do you find it? I live in a small city that doesn’t really have any great healthfood stores 😦

  18. Mexican lasagna?! Did you seriously just combine 2 of my fav types of meals!?!?!?!?! LOVE IT!

  19. Warm avocado is heaven! 🙂 I agree!

  20. mmmm….that mexican lasagna looks amazing!!! Plus bonus – another 1 pan wonder & leftovers for the next day! : )

  21. I have some tempeh in the freezer and think I need to be getting it out and making this really soon!

  22. Drooling. I’m drooling here. (and that was referring to BOTH of your creations above…) 😉

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